Online Reward Chart

Always keep perfect track of your child's rewards

Setting a goal

It's great to have a target. Working towards a special outing, pocket money or a new computer game; setting a clear goal - completing a reward chart - is a simple, understandable and trackable target for everyone.

Tracking progress

Tokens, points, stars or numbers; you and your children can follow along in straight forward and understandable steps as they work and earn their way towards the reward.

Reward excitement

Everyone loves getting prizes! As the points collect, the chart fills and excitement builds - the last few tokens are always the most keenly earnt.

Can't remember what they did today?

Filling in a reward chart at bed time sounds like a great idea until you stare at it realising the day has been a blur! Not staying consistent with a reward chart can really harm it's effectiveness.

Online Reward Chart is always with you, anywhere you have your smartphone or a computer you can immediately add tokens and record your child's progress while you remember.

Not the person who witnessed today's great achievement?

It's easy to miss something or get confused about accomplishments, especially when your child's time is split between you, your spouse, a grandparent or a child minder.

Online Reward Chart can be shared with everyone who needs it. You can add as many other carers as you want to your child's chart, they can all keep track of progress and make token adjustments along the way (immediately, anywhere they are).